This captivating project aimed to create a series of four cards featuring the iconic figures of the king, queen, jack, and an additional character, all based on meticulous research on a personally selected topic. The project offered ample creative freedom while adhering to essential guidelines, such as incorporating a mesmerizing repetition vector pattern for the card backs and inverting face characters when utilized.
Diving into the historical background of card decks, revealing that the jack was initially a prince frequently mistaken for the king, leading to its transformation into the jack. Thus, it made logical sense to replace the jack with a 'P' to represent the Prince's name, not only reflecting historical accuracy but also infusing the card with the Prince's captivating persona as the central figure of his own story.
Photo references of significant poses for each star and inverted them to adhere to design guidelines.
The final design includes a queen, king, and prince partnered with the numbers four, three, and seven respectively, to align with the number of Grammy Awards won by the artist. These card designs incorporate a pattern on the back.